Automatic traffic counters (ATC)

ATCs for Traffic Data Collection

ATC equipment is either a radar device that attaches to street furniture, or pneumatic tubing that runs across the width of a road. They are temporarily installed to collect traffic speed data (85th percentile), vehicle classification and volume of traffic.

The data is mainly used to support transport planning and design.

The normal duration for these surveys is seven days. However, they can be used for longer periods depending on requirements.


SDR radar classifier

The SDR Radar Traffic Classifier uses the latest radar technology to provide accurate count, speed, and classification data. It was designed to meet the increasing demand for an accurate, reliable, and non-intrusive traffic measuring device.

The performance of the SDR has been very successful. Some local authorities and police forces exclusively use the SDR to collect their data.

The benefit of using the Radar ATC rather than tubing is that it is more discreet. Drivers are therefore less likely to adjust their speed, making the data more credible.

The SDR radar classifier is ideal for use on streets with on-street parking.

Pneumatic tube

The MetroCount 5600 Series Roadside Units are used to collect traffic information. Two rubber pneumatic tube axle sensors record classification by axle base separation. We can also record vehicle speeds, and provide tile readings of vehicle speeds per day.

Automatic Traffic Counters can be used for:

  • Transport planning and design
  • Speed data
  • Volume of traffic
Automatic Traffic Counters - Traffic Watch


The UK has committed to cutting carbon emissions in the UK by 35% by 2020 and 80% by 2050. Traffic Watch can help local authorities to achieve this by regularly monitoring vehicles entering and exiting their boroughs. This can be carried out using ANPR surveys on an annual or biannual basis. Regular monitoring will provide critical information, helping councils to meet their 2020 emissions targets.

Get in touch and find out how we can help you setup your carbon emission reports.

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Traffic Watch has worked in the public sector for over 20 years and understands the current strain on internal services in Transport, Highway and Traffic departments. We offer a consultancy service alongside our data collection service.

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Where we invest.

  • High definition video cameras
  • GPS video recorders
  • Live Video Service: TWLive
  • Automatic Number Plate Recognition
  • Radar-Automaic Traffic Counters